Are your pet caskets waterproof?
Yes, our caskets are made of durable Fauxcrete which is lightweight and gives a classic concrete vault styling. A High Quality: Non-biodegradable, air-tight, waterproof, butyl tape is included; once installed it seals the casket from air and water.
How strong are your pet caskets?
All fauxcrete caskets are made with ABS polyurethane which is waterproof and gives the appearance and stability of a classic concrete style vault. The polyurethane use is strong and will not crack or collapse under the weight of the fill dirt that is placed on top of the casket as the burial hole is filled. All Loving Touch caskets come with a sealing kit that will keep water and air out; the abstinence of both will guarantee the longevity of the casket in its resting spot.
Am I allowed to bury my pet in my yard?
Always check all county codes before burying your beloved pet in your yard by contacting your local officials to determine if burying your pet in your yard is legal; each town, city, and state has different rules. What’s the best recommended way to bury my pet?
Before digging push down with your shovel in a square shape the size, width and length of the hole you will be digging. This will allow you to try to remove the grass and some top soil intact for placement back over the burial site. Using the shovel, pry up the grass and topsoil in sections and place on the side for reinsertion later. Dig a hole 3 feet deep with enough room to fit the casket on for width and depth. Place the casket in the hole and fill dirt around the casket and above the casket, pausing for the next step when you have about 1 inch of dirt on top of the casket. Sprinkle the soil at this point with lime to prevent other animals from scavenging your grave site. Fill the rest of the way with dirt, compacting it as you go. At the top, place your grass and topsoil pieces back down. Lightly water your grass in that area for the next few days (intensity of the watering depends on season and breed of grass) to try to reduce the shock of uprooting and give it a better chance of taking hold again.
Is it possible to receive my pet casket tomorrow?
Yes, we offer Priority and Standard Overnight shipping options provided by UPS.
Does the casket I ordered have everything I need in it?
Do I need to buy a pillow or satin fabric mattress separately? Included in all our caskets is a plush interior bedding to provide comfort. The bedding consists of a lace trim pillow and satin fabric mattress.
What can I do if my pet passes away before my casket arrives?
Most veterinary clinics offer a free storage service for your pet’s remains until you're able to make proper memorial arrangements. Contact your vet and explain the situation, and the casket's expected time of arrival (check your tracking). They should be able to store your pet until your casket arrives.